Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The word LIFE for me is just an acronym .......LIVE, IF, FOREVER, EXIST. I say this only because a lot of people i come in contact with worry about tomorrow so much that today doesn't exist. I personally wish people would take advantage of life and its rarity. Lives are lost everyday, there are millions of abortions, and too many people die young. "Life is what you make it" is what i have always been told to believe. My personal definition of the word life is not to be mistaken as live life and don't worry about consequences. Life comes around once, lately i have felt like i am not taking advantage of life. The more that i worry about future problems the more i forget how special life is and how much I, my friends, my family, everyone i know will miss life when its gone. The moral or thought that i would like to provoke is why is anyone's life better or worse then someone else's? Why are you here? What is your purpose? Everyone should have a purpose in life or at least one that they believe in. Without a purpose what do we live for? If i had to take a stab at what my purpose is i would say its to bring light to people's dark situations. That idea may seem a little far-fetched but i believe it 100%. I believe that god (me mentioning GOD is not meant to bring up a war about religion its just my belief) places me wherever i can meet people that need a ray of light in their dark times. Until life is over for me I am gonna live it as if forever exist.

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